Understanding the Lobes of Brain 1. Introduction: The human brain is a complex organ responsible for controlling and coordinating various bodily functions. It consists of different regions, each with its own unique functions…
Understanding the Lobes of Brain 1. Introduction: The human brain is a complex organ responsible for controlling and coordinating various bodily functions. It consists of different regions, each with its own unique functions…
Development Of Brain In Small Kids The development of brain is a truly fascinating subject. Did you know that in the early stages of development of brain, it’s growing by 250,000 neurons per…
Infant White Matter Disease – Watch For Signs If you’re unfamiliar with this disease, it’s probably because it’s a fairly rare disorder. It’s a disease that affects babies’ postnatal brain development. It’s a…
Preschool Brain Development – The Best Ways to Start School Preschool brain development of your child is an incredibly important time in your child’s overall development. This is a time when you can…
Prenatal Brain Development – What’s Happening In the Womb It’s so amazing that a tiny, fertilized embryo eventually develops and grows into a full-grown human being, complete with a nerve network, a giant…
Brain Based Learning – The Way The Brain Wants To Be Taught Brain based learning may sound a little weird, but what learning was based on before it was even weirder and maybe…
Postnatal Brain Development – What’s Happening After Birth After birth, there is plenty of postnatal brain development ahead. Although all the neurons in the cortex of the brain are produced before birth, the…
Your brain is like a muscle: it needs to be exercised regularly to stay in shape. And one of the best ways to exercise your brain is to do puzzles. Puzzles are a fun and challenging way to improve your cognitive function. They can help to improve your memory, concentration, problem-solving skills, and creativity. Puzzles can also help to reduce stress and improve your overall mood.
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